Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Making Devimco look good


Late last year there was this imaginary architectural competition about what to do with some places in Griffintown. Last week they named the five finalists. I have some questions.

Site 01 Station de police: Sound/Station, Brendan Whitsitt, Aaron Jacobson, Marc Hardiejowski. Don't they know that it is winter here in Montreal 8 months out of the year? And I also think that Spectra owns all the rights to outdoor performances in the city.

Site 02 Horse Palace: Griffintown Horse Palace, HTDSTUDIO, Équipe: Howard Duffy. So if I understand this one correctly, Mr. Duffy is proposing sending Leo's horses to the glue factory so that their stables can be replaced with an art gallery?

Site 03 Maison escamotable: Wood Bridge, Martin Mic. Doesn't Mr. Mic know that every building that is still standing in Griffintown is considered a historical artifact and protected by law? (Or at least the extent of the law that isn't covered by bribes). And 6002 ft!? The only reason people move down to Griffintown is so that they can live in large spaces.

Site 04 Tour d’aiguillage: Re-Hiding, Office of Urban Transformations Research RMIT University, Équipe: Rosalea Monacella, Craig Douglas, Kathryn English, Joseline Setiawan, Tarryn Boden, Thomas Harper, Greg Afflick. Same question as for number one, and on top of it, all those plants are facing north, they are going to get precious little sunlight.

Site 05 Bassin Peel: Castor Redux 2010, René Fan. While I know that Montreal has four statues of Maurice Richard, I'm not certain it really needs (or wants) two beaver lakes.

[Edit 12h41: An earlier version of this post misspelled the name Devimco. It has now been corrected.]