Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Off the record, Dolorès Plourde Duong


If you haven't noticed, I have changed the focus of this here blog/podcast. Instead of only being an outlet for my rambles and rants about things artistic in Montreal, I'm also adding news and other information about art and artists in Montréal, Québec and the rest of Canada, for the most part stuff that is not covered by the mainstream press.

One of my favorite things about this new focus, is that it enable me to highlight things like this: Québec Hebdo, the free weekly distributed by Transcontinental in Québec City has a 700+ word article on Dolorès Plourde Duong - or more bluntly and plainly an article about 40% longer and bigger than any article/review/preview about an an artist in the mainstream press.